Weight converter
This converter helps you to simultaneously convert a weight from several common units like kilogram (base unit of mass in the International System of units - SI), ounce, pound.
In UK, 1 long ton=20 long hundredweights, 1 long hundredweight=8 stone or 112 pounds, 1 stone=14 pounds, 1 pound= 16 ounces or 7000 grains. In US, 1 short ton=20 short hundredweights, 1 short hundredweight=100 pounds, 1 pound= 16 ounces or 7000 grains. Enter the weight in the second column of the following array and the conversion will be performed automatically in all other units. Underneath, you can decompose combination of units, for example, if you enter 10 stone, 11 pounds |
Megaton is not a weight unit but an energy one (Energy produced by explosion of 1 million ton of TNT)Copyright © 1997-2025 FXTOP