Computing French Social Security Key Code, checking and decoding
Note :
This tool computes control key of a French Social Security Number (last 2 digits) and checks that the number is properly formatted. It decodes it and extract sex, birth month and year, birth location (town, Borough, canton, department, Region, country, associated zip codes).Example of a number (female born in Rennes in May 1987).
Use décodeur avancé de numéro de sécurité sociale pour plus d'explications et les conditions d'utilisation.
Entered Social Security Number is not sent to us, so we don't know it. Only 5 digits geographical code is sent to our server to retrieve associated birth town, no personal data is used.
French Social Security Number (also known as NIR) written on Vitale card is issued by INSEE from birth certificate.
From the age of 16, Seocial Security send Vitale card with the Social Security number.
French Social Security number has 13 digits plus 2 control key digits (computed using div modulo 97).